

Our 历史

最初是1906年在约克村的“微风之丘”上建造的一座夏季小屋, 自此,冰球突破成长为最受尊敬的医院之一, caring and sophisticated facilities in the Seacoast area. 早期的公司购买了“Breezy Knoll”上的土地,医院至今仍在那里, 为15美元,000. 1906年7月22日,冰球突破在一栋由农舍风格改建的房子里开业. 这是一家有10个房间的医院,也是第一批接受治疗的病人之一, there were diagnoses of Typhoid Fever, Epilepsy, Rheumatism and Delirium; with surgical cases including appendectomies, fracture care, carcinoma, endometriosis and hysterectomy. The first President of the Board was Seabury W. Allen, elected in 1904. 在当时的董事会成立之前,这座小屋作为医院的主要建筑保留了50年, 由罗伊·斯图特万特领导的一场筹款活动开始了, modern facility to care for patients. A $400,000 “modern”, 这座两层楼的建筑建在医院的土地上(被称为“58楼”),并于4月12日开放, 1959. This brand new, state-of-the-art hospital provided private, semi-private and 4-bed rooms (32 beds in total), along with 6 bassinets and 2 nurseries on the upper floor for inpatient care; and surgery, emergency, 实验室 & x射线, and supportive hospital services such as dietary, supplies, housekeeping, etc were housed on the lower level.

rate-schedule-early-1900s1959年9月8日,旧的平房医院被拆除. The ’58 building still stands today, 虽然它经过了几次扩建和修改,才成为今天冰球突破所熟知和喜爱的冰球突破. 原来的58年建筑是现在的汉考克翼医院的上下两层. In 1960, the hospital saw its occupancy rate increase from 66% to 85%, surgeries grew 130%, x射线 80% and 实验室 testing needs 125%. The hospital was quickly running out of room. In 1962, 在建筑的南翼(在建筑的Barrell Mill Pond一侧)完成了三层楼的医院扩建,其中包括将床位增加到41张的空间, added a solarium with exterior balcony, more offices, a nursing station, conference room, pharmacy, and additional space to expand medical records, the 实验室 and central sterile supply. This addition currently houses Breast 护理 on the 2nd level, 实验室 reception area on the main level, and IS equipment storage on the lower level.

58-building1965年,为了给扩建的实验室增加空间,增加了一个2层楼的北翼, x射线, a new outpatient waiting room and more office space. 随着时间的推移,它经历了额外的翻新,现在是实验室的所在地, CT扫描, and Cath Lab on the lower level and the Ellis Conference Room, Administration and Cardiovascular 护理 on the 2nd level. 下一次主要的增加发生在1968年,当时增加了延长护理服务. 医院新建了一个完整的侧翼,并通过一条走廊与1958年的大楼相连. 拥有40个床位的延长护理翼——被称为亨利·斯特拉特翼——于1969年5月25日落成. Along with brand new patient rooms, the project added a new kitchen and dining room, beauty parlor, fireplace and the hospital’s first color television. Extended care services remained in the wing until 2008, 当熟练的护理服务被转移到基特里的杜金松养老院时.

extended-care-wing-addition-rendering-1966这栋楼目前是住院室和家庭护理(分娩和儿科)的所在地。. By the late 1970s, 该医院在一个为46张床位的医院设计的空间内为68张急症护理床位和18张熟练护理床位提供服务. 这个社区正在扩大,人们再次感受到扩大的压力. 董事会和领导层考虑了许多替代方案,但最终在1979年决定建造一个新的侧翼来解决空间问题. 监管问题和CON审查推迟了该项目,但医院坚持了下来. 其4.1983年6月,耗资400万美元扩建的卡梅隆·比温德大厦开业. It was built toward the northwest corner of the building, 并为医院提供了林赛路的新入口. 扩建为许多服务提供了新的空间,包括急诊科(有救护车入口)。, new outpatient area, radiology, 5-bed special care unit, 一楼的新大堂和医院,二楼的新半私人和私人住院病房,以取代58年建筑中41个床位的急症护理翼.

nurses-1970s1958年的建筑中空出来的空间后来被重新装修,变成了物理疗法, additional 实验室 space, cardiology, medical records, medical library, office space and a solarium. 工作人员和病人都习惯了这个新空间,有一段时间一切都很安静. But…something was brewing! 到1985年,医院的外科服务已经远远超出了它的空间. Now 30 years old, 该中心需要的空间比两个手术室大得多, and plans for another addition emerged. In 1992, 鲍德温家庭手术中心(Baldwin Family 手术 center)在新Biewend翼楼的地下室开业(此前,该中心已将原先安置在那里的物资搬到了一个新址), and building a 4,000 sf addition). The new surgery center had its own entrance, 一个额外的手术室(使总数达到3个),并提供扩大的手术能力, special procedures and oncologic care. The hospital did not stop there. Many services and programs have been added. 最重要的变化发生在冰球突破周围的社区. The Heart Health Institute opened in Newington, NH in 1993 (and moved to York in 2002); York Hospital began bringing services closer to home by building service centers in the surrounding communities.


The first, York Hospital in 井, 建于1999年,设有一个紧急护理中心和几个辅助服务和医生诊所. The success of this site led to many others – including York Hospital in South Berwick in 2004; York Hospital in Berwick in 2007; Kittery services were added in 2008 but a brand new building was built, called York Hospital in Kittery in 2012. 在医院主校区进行的最后一次重大翻新/扩建是对手术中心的扩建, which added 2 additional Operating Rooms, expanded the pre- & 2010年和2011年分两个阶段完成了术后空间和私人恢复区.

今天, 冰球突破包括主要的医院建筑,以及它所有的增加和变化,以及几十个社区站点和医生实践,以满足您所有的医疗保健需求. 随着医疗保健领域的不断发展,冰球突破将继续发展.